Aderyn Consulting

Aderyn Consulting

With experience in consulting, training, research and innovation, editorial product development, change management and DEI, the Aderyn Consulting team is ideally positioned to help you develop and expand your business.

We work with senior leaders to develop high level strategies and deliver crucial training that results in audience and revenue growth. We help companies across a wide variety of industries develop audience-focused editorial strategies that can help you reduce churn, increase loyalty and move customers up the value change.

We can also help with staff retention through skills transfer and continuing professional development, and strategies to produce meaningful workplace change.

We have expertise in media innovation, editorial, audience, audio and video, analytics, research, training and education, tech adoption, DEI and change management.

What does 'aderyn' mean?

Our logo and name is symbolic of our joint international heritage and culture, and our belief that synthesising different viewpoints and ideas results in stronger, more lasting solutions.

‘Aderyn’ means ‘bird’ in Welsh, representing our two Welsh residents, Alison and Glyn, and Welsh speaker Suw. The red bird is a Northern Cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis, a common sight in the gardens of Kevin’s home country, the USA.

We bring together a wide variety of experiences and points of view, and we come from four very different backgrounds. Together, this makes us a powerful team who understand how to collaborate and who will freely share our knowledge with those around us.

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Jamie Larson